Notice: This is a work in progress and will change often as we get it setup. Pages may change or be removed, the site may go down, etc.

Setting Up Voicemail To Email

This articles explains how to set your voicemail to email so that you receive your voice messages in your email.


  1. Login to the portal and enter your provided credentials. If you are unsure how to do this check this article.
  2. From the Home screen, click Profile in the top right corner.
  3. On the profile screen, under Email Address(es) enter the email address that you would like your voicemail(s) delivered to. To add multiple addresses, simply click the + button. Click Save when done.

  4. Click the Messages tab, then click Settings. Once there go to the Unified Messaging section, click the dropdown and choose your preferred delivery option, then click Save.

Email Options

  1. Send w/ hyperlink - Not Recommended
  2. Send w/ brief hyperlink - Not Recommended
  3. Send w/ attachment (leave as new) - Sends an email with a .wav file that can be downloaded and played, leaves in new messages and the notification light on the phone will continue to blink.
  4. Send w/ attachment (Move to saved) - Sends an email with a .wav file that can be downloaded and played, moves to saved messages and the notification light on the phone will not blink.
  5. Send w/ attachment (Move to trash) - Sends an email with a .wav file that can be downloaded and played, moves to trash and the notification light on the phone will not blink. The message will be permanently deleted from the system after 24 hours, but will remain in email until it is deleted by the user.


If you have enabled voicemail to email, you also have the option to enable voicemail transcription.

Receive as Text Message

Our platform doesn't directly support sending you a text when you receive a voicemail, however you can use your cell phone's email address on our system which will result in you getting a text whenever the voicemail to email message is sent. Every carrier within the US provides a special email that can be used to receive a text on your phone when an email is sent to it. Celito makes no guarantees that these messages will be delivered as some carriers will block an email for various reasons, but they work the majority of the time in our testing.

Simply find the proper email based on your carrier and add that email to your voicemail to email settings (step 3 above).

"number" is your full 10-digit phone number

Provider Email to Text Address Format Note
AT&T -or- AT&T goes through cycles where sometimes one works, sometimes the other
US Cellular
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